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    A new project starts in summer 2018, which will go along with us in the next years. In this article you will get to know what it is about, what you can expect and how you can bring forward your own ideas.

    Storage technologies, renewable energies and joint energy grids – energy systems become more complex in future. The electricity in the socket doesn’t have to come from a power plant anymore. Do we all become so called prosumers, who produce electricity themselves and live in smart homes?

    The energy transition is coming, but the changes give rise to several questions. This huge and ambitious project can’t be realized without public understanding and involvement. Everyone has to be informed about it in order that we can pull together. This is why an exchange of knowledge about the energy transition with contribution of district future will be started.

    As a result of the experience we gained in the real-world labs district future and real-world lab 131 during the last years, we were able to acquire this new project!

    Welcome Energy Transformation in Dialogue!

    First this new project (called “energy dialogue” in short) becomes a part of district future; later it will be a mainstay for the Karlsruhe Transformation Centre for Sustainable Futures and Cultural Change (KAT), which we described here already. The funding for energy dialogue is guaranteed for 30 months. After 2 years the project’s success is investigated and the time period will – hopefully – be extended to 4 years.

    The aim of the project is clear: We want to make the transformation of the German energy system intelligible to all in a new way and create new possibilities for participation at the same time. Therefore we will organise this dialogue, provide information and bring different actors together.

    So far, so good, but how does that work in concrete terms?

    It is not yet set in stone, but you can already look forward to plenty of videos with information and explanations, a tour about sustainable energy, a handful of scenario workshops, some transdisciplinary and transformative project seminars, real-world experiments and one citizen’s forum on sustainable energy. We don’t want a one-way communication. We want to impart knowledge, but on the same time gather your ideas and bring them in the scientific world.

    One workshop could be for example for low-income households, where we get to know your expectations and fears related to the energy transition and work out suggestions for improvement together.

    Different activities – different target groups!

    With this project we extent our target group to the whole city of Karlsruhe and beyond. Some parts can be used in the whole German-speaking world. Nevertheless some activities will still take place in Karlsruhe and the eastern town.

    The target group is as diverse as the activities. The different subprojects can address both the public and specific groups of players, for example representatives of the energy industry, players of the civil society or consumers’ associations, as well as teachers, energy advisors, students, early adopters, and so on.

    Do district future and the future space stay?

    Does that mean we realigned and are not present in the district anymore? No, don’t worry. As described above – the project energy dialogue becomes a part of district future now and builds a mainstay of KAT from 2020 on. Like that it will provide us even more opportunities to encourage a sustainable development and die energy transition together with you, the citizens of the eastern town. The future space will also be available as is usual for group meetings, events and communication.

    When does it start?

    The planning and preparation for the variety of activities start now. Next year, in 2019, several plans will be realised. Until then you need to be patient, but we will keep you informed!

    You can participate!

    Do you have an idea for a project or an activity, which we should not forget? It doesn’t matter, if you are a single person or want to get involved with your group – form the energy dialogue with us together! If you are interested, contact

    We look forward to an interesting time with you and energy dialogue!

  2. Following the traces of the Urban Transition Lab 131 – Part IV Energy

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    We have come to the last part of our blog series about the Urban Transition Lab 131. The real world lab project Urban Transition Lab 131 was launched under the umbrella of the framework project District Future – Urban Lab. Since 2015 when the District Future was launched, scientists and citizens have the possibility to work together to develop and test measures for a (more) sustainable urban development in the Karlsruhe district Oststadt. With this blog series we want to think back over the activities and experiences of the Urban Transition Lab’s four projects.

    An article by Vanessa Kügler & Volker Stelzer. Translation by Sophie Dauenhauer

    In the previous articles we already presented the topics sustainable consumption, mobility and social affairs and spaces. Finally, we will talk about the exciting and current topic energy.

    Turning on the lights in the evening and putting the shopping into the fridge, switching on the heating in winter or having the possibility of a hot bath at any time –  the availability of electricity, heat, light and water is an important element of our everyday lives and fundamental for the functionality of our cities. Energy is one of the most important resources that has two major disadvantages: its availability is not infinite, and the generation implies a lot of consequences for our planet. These are the reasons why the consumption and use of energy have become a much-discussed topic in politics, economy as well as in society and science.

    “Cities are resource-hungry and produce too much CO2. We can change this: by using innovative technologies and renewable energies and trying out a new way of life that works without the excessive waste of goods and resources.”

    (Goal of the key topic Urban energy landscapes)

    Producing and using energy locally

    In keeping with the motto “New ideas about energy”, participants of the BürgerForum (citizen’s forum) “Sustainable Oststadt – Future in citizens’ hands” collected proposals for energy saving measures in the Oststadt. Ideas like optimized heating systems with renewable heating and regenerative electricity, energy autarky of residential blocks or an energy consultancy were contributed during the forum. It quickly became clear that, in order to coordinate such measures, a comprehensive energy concept for the Oststadt is needed. This multi-level concept considers the building and ownership structures as well as the patterns of use, and at the same time it demonstrates concrete energy saving and refitting measures for every individual building.

    An expert group of scientists from different institutes of the KIT (ITAS, IIP, EIFER, fbta) got together in the R131-project “Energiekonzept” (energy concept) to further develop the ideas from the citizens’ forum and to design and implement the energy concept approach. Moreover, the project cooperated with the city of Karlsruhe, the Karlsruhe energy and climate protection agency (KEK), Haus & Grund Karlsruhe, and involved lectures and seminars.  Now it was time to use these contacts and to start implementing the ideas from the citizens’ forum.

    Data and more data  but never losing sight of the building stock!

    In view of existing urban quarters that have grown over decades, like the Oststadt in Karlsruhe, it is important to take a closer look at the old building stock’s state of repair and the energetic state because:

    • The building stock is responsible for about 50% of the material use and the energy consumption
    • The heat supply in buildings causes up to 30% of the direct greenhouse gas emissions in Germany
    • Space heating makes up 70% of the energy consumption in residential buildings.

    The Urban Transition Lab-project “energy concept” focused following questions:

    • How much energy is consumed by the buildings in the Oststadt?
    • What are the possibilities for reducing the consumption of non-renewably generated energy?
    • Where does potential for renewable energy exist and how can we use it?

    To answer these questions, it was necessary to collect information about the individual buildings and their demand and consumption of energy. In a word: data – a lot of it. The energetic condition of the building is influenced by several factors: age of the building, type of use, floors, form, building space and capacity as well as the material that was used in the building (e.g. concrete, bricks, timber, clay or roof tiles) are playing an important role. Information about all these aspects had to be collected before they were entered in a database and got analyzed.

    Important contributions to this complete survey were made by the seminar “energy efficiency in the building stock of Karlsruhe Oststadt”, which took place at the Institute for Industrial Production (IIP) in the winter term 2015/16. The students of the seminar were responsible for data acquisition in the Oststadt, completed the city’s previous data basis about the building stock in the quarter and calculated the energy balance for different building types.

    Based on the city of Karlsruhe’s 3D database, the data was used to develop a detailed 3D building model of the Oststadt’s existing building structure that contains spatial information about more than 2600 buildings. This model enables for example to calculate the energy demand of a building, the material that was used for building it and even precise key figures like the water demand.

    Starting small- Owners and Users as key factors

    Not only the buildings but also the ownership structures were taken into consideration, because their motivation for using renewable energies is an important factor. But there was little information about the owner’s willingness regarding energetic building modernisation – especially of private owners, which represent about 75% in the Oststadt. Different kinds of surveys (online, by telephone and on paper) made it possible to create profiles. The analysis of the surveys has revealed that the information about energy issues is for the moment more important for strengthening the energy awareness than specific calculations about energy consumption. The fact that even small adjustments of the user’s behaviour (e.g. changing the heating operation to summer mode, nighttime reduction yes/no) can achieve energy savings, was seen as a motivation. Furthermore, the survey also showed that it is easier to save “visible” energies than saving “invisible” energies. Hence, it is easier for the residents to use less water (apparent consumption) than saving electricity (non-apparent).

    An energy check for the Oststadt

    In 2015 the energy consulting proposed by the Oststadt citizens was set up in the Future Space. In cooperation with the Karlsruhe energy and climate protection agency (KEK) and the consumer advice center, cost-free consultations about the topics energy and climate were offered and an overview about KEK’s energy checks were offered. In addition to this, the energy consulting offered information about energetic building modernisation as well as their financing and funding possibilities, public speeches and direct contact to specialists. With the energy consulting, a local contact point was created to help the citizens of the Oststadt making the first steps into a sustainable lifestyle regarding energy and climate and to support the optimization of their consumption of electricity, heating or water.

    One of those speeches took place at the theme night – future energy in the Future Space. Scientists and citizens had the chance to talk about the results of the surveys, mapping and the details of the building analysis. The posters of this night can be found under the link below this article.

    The energy project of the Urban Transition Lab is also known beyond the local borders. At the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017 (EUSEW) the project had the chance to present its work and to discuss with a professional audience from politics and science.

    And what’s next?

    Energy is a subject which will continue accompanying us in the Oststadt and that will deal intensively with climate protection.

    We are open for new ideas and in search of active people who want to help us making the Oststadt more sustainable.

    Do you have questions, wishes or do you want to realise a project? Visit us at the Future Space or send a message to Volker Stelzer (

    This was the last part of our blog series about the activities of the Urban Transition Lab 131 and its projects. We would like to thank our intern Vanessa Kügler for the thorough research.

    For further reading (in German):

    Poster 1 „Energieeffizienz als wichtiges Gebäudemerkmal – Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Vermietern in der Karlsruher Oststadt“

    Poster 2 „Energiebedarf und gebundene Ressourcen im Gebäudebestand der Oststadt“



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